Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome (also known as dry eye disease) is a common and uncomfortable condition that occurs when your tears aren’t able to provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. It may occur if you don’t produce enough tears or if you produce poor quality tears.

Contact us now for your dry eye enquiry.


Symptoms of dry eye syndrome may include:

  • A burning sensation in the eyes
  • Grittiness of the eyes
  • A dry sensation of the eyes
  • A stinging sensation in the eyes
  • Stringy mucus in or around the eyes
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Eye fatigue
  • A foreign body sensation (feeling like there is something in the eyes)
  • Discomfort when wearing contact lenses
  • Excessive tearing
  • Fluctuating vision – usually worse towards the end of the day
  • Eyelids stuck together when waking up.

Causes of dry eye syndrome may include:

  • Hormonal change (e.g. menopause)
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Inflamed eyelid glands
  • Allergic eyelid disease
  • Side-effects of medications.

Testing for dry eye syndrome

Considering the symptoms and potential causes of dry eye syndrome will assist our optometrist to determine how to treat your condition. This may involve a separate visit during which the optometrist will conduct a number of specific tests to more accurately diagnose your condition.

These extra tests may include video tear film quality evaluation with the Medmont Corneal Topographer, Fluorescein and Lissamine Green staining and the Schirmer Test of tear production.

Treatments for dry eye syndrome

  • Treatment plans may aim to increase tear production, maintain tear film volume or prevent excessive loss of tears. Treatment for Blepharitis may also be required.
  • Consciously blinking more often, particularly when using a computer or looking at electronic devices
  • Minimising or avoiding dry environments such as air conditioning and fans and protecting the eyes from the wind when outdoors
  • Artificial tear supplements including drops, sprays, gels, ointments
  • Consulting your doctor if medications you are taking have the side effect of drying the eyes and discussing a suitable alternative if available
  • Advanced Omega-3 supplementation such as Dry Eye Forte incorporating an optimised blend of Organic flaxseed & triglyceride form of fish oil & vitamin E
  • Blephasteam office-based treatment using heat and moisture to help unblock the meibonian glands in the eye lids. May be accompanied by lid expression treatment
  • The Eye Doctor moist heat compresses for home-based treatment of meibonian (oil) gland dysfunction.
  • Optimel drops or gel containing antibacterial medicinal Manuka Honey for chronic dry eye with a traumatised cornea and inflammation
  • Punctal Plugs are tiny, biocompatible devices that can be inserted into tear ducts to block tear drainage in order to increase the tear film and eye surface moisture in certain forms of dry eye syndrome.
  • Ocusoft Demodex treatment (office & home-based) containing medicinal tea-tree oil where demodex (mite) blepharitis is present
  • Prescription medication including topical corticosteroids and cyclosporin (Ikervis) may be used in cases of more chronic dry eye and severe dry eye disease.

Remember that the best treatment for dry eyes depends on the underlying cause. If you suspect you have dry eyes, contact us to determine the most suitable approach for your specific situation.

Make an appointment

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm*
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

*Appointments outside of these hours may only be available by special prior arrangement.

Find us

We can be found in the beautiful Sunshine Coast hinterland.

We are not in the main shopping street of Cooroy but are located nearby just 3 doors up from Eden Private Hospital.

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