Based in Cooroy, Queensland, you can contact Optometry@Cooroy by phone during business hours, 24/7 by email or by filling out the contact form below.

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm*
*Appointments outside of these hours may only be available by special prior arrangement.
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Find us
We can be found in the beautiful Sunshine Coast hinterland.
We are not in the main shopping street of Cooroy but are located nearby just 3 doors up from Eden Private Hospital.
- 20 min inland from Noosa
- 20 min north of Nambour
- 30 min north of Maroochydore
- 40 min south of Gympie
- Street parking available
- Disabled park is at the front of the building
- Customer parking at the rear can be accessed by the driveway to the right
- Bicycle parking is available in the front of the building